Bregenzer Festspiele
Guest AppearancesEnsemble Modern presents three different projects at the Bregenz Festival this year. The concert ›Schmetterlingseffekte‹ (Butterfly Effects) features Ensemble Modern members presenting music by Japanese composers – interwoven with contemporary literature by Miki Sakamoto. Johannes Kalitzke’s ›Kapitän Nemos Bibliothek‹ (Captain Nemo’s Library) was given its world premiere at the Schwetzingen Festival in April 2022, receiving highest accolades from audiences and reviewers. Now the unusual adaptation of the eponymous novel by Per Olov Enquist, combining contemporary musical theatre and modern puppetry, comes to Bregenz. Furthermore, Ensemble Modern will give the world premiere of Brigitta Muntendorf’s ›Melencolia‹: a fascinating sonic and visual journey through virtual worlds, with the musicians as protagonists.