Porträtkonzert Olga Neuwirth

Happy New Ears

Portrait Concert: Olga Neuwirth In celebration of her 50th birthday, Ensemble Modern dedicates a Happy New Ears concert to the Austrian composer Olga Neuwirth on February 19. The composer draws impulses for her works from many areas, literature, film, science and social politics among them. Inspired by the eccentric singer Klaus Nomi, she wrote ›Hommage à Klaus Nomi‹, whose role will be embodied by the countertenor Daniel Gloger. In ›Aello‹, Olga Neuwirth chases the solo flute (played by Dietmar Wiesner) mercilessly yet wittily through her »mechanomorphous ballet«. In conversation with moderator Olaf A. Schmitt, Olga Neuwirth will discuss her works.